Are You “Pinteresting”?

Hi, I’m Brie with the Pool Marketing Site. I am a newly wed (yea!) and currently doing what newly weds do best; spending money on my house!…er…I mean our house!
As I was browsing online for unique Christmas decorations the other day, I realized that as a young professional raised in the fast-paced world of computers and technology, the way I search for something is far different than my mom. My mom, bless her heart, has magazines for miles from the JC Penny catalog to the latest Sears issue. She loves when the magazines hit the mailbox. I remember when the latest softball equipment magazine or some other teen clothing magazine would come, I was equally elated. Now, it’s all simply clutter to me. Along with most of my generation, that’s not the way I like to learn about new products anymore.
Sure, I can browse store websites selling Christmas decor, but that takes too long and I want to be able to find exactly what I’m looking for in an arena that shows me things that are my style, i.e. Pinterest.
According to their “About” section on their website (and the best definition I could find),
“Pinterest is a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and “follow” collections created by people with great taste.
People use Pinterest to collect and share all sorts of things — wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ equipment. You name it, people are pinning it.”
Basically, Pinterest is a way cooler and much more visual bookmarking site. Think of it as a virtual post-it for websites and images you want to be able to remember and share with others. Off the site, as I browse the web and see something I like, I can “pin it,” meaning I can save the images and website link to my personal Pinterest board, which in turn shares it with the entire Pinterest community. Are you starting to see the potential yet?
On the site, I can browse through everything that other people have “pinned” to their pin boards based on categories like “Wedding and Events,” “Food and Drink,” and most importantly for you pool guys out there, “Home Decor.” Or, I can search within the boards for exactly what I want.

My search for “Texas Pool Builder”
According to a demographic study done by Complete Pulse, 54% of Pinterest users are women, with the majority of those in the 28-34 age bracket. Additionally, these users have quite a bit of disposable income. See an interesting article from MediaPost that ponders whether moms are choosing Pinterest over Google for their search inquiries.
As I was looking through the “Home Decor” category today for my fun, Christmas decorations, I saw a couple pool and backyard living photos (which end up linking back to the original website). I don’t think you can get much more social than that! As a potential pool buyer, I can find a photo on your website of a pool that I really like, “pin it” to my Pinterest board and share it with everyone I’m connected with, or even perfect strangers. As I “pin” something, I can also share that to Facebook, so then all of my Facebook friends will learn about your pool and website too! Think of how many leads and website traffic you could get, not to mention a healthy boost in SEO.
How do you get this Pinterest on your site? People who are already on Pinterest can already “pin” your photos through a bookmark button created specially for the site, or you can add a custom “pin it” button on each of your photos! As we always say here, there is no front door anymore! Don’t be afraid of all of this technology. Embrace it! A simple added button on your photos can create a whole new marketing potential for you.