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Why Your Website Needs Social Integration for SEO

We at the Pool Marketing Site LOVE social tools for pools, and strongly feel they’re a necessity with every website.  It’s great to have a Facebook Page or YouTube account, but you’re missing a big piece of the puzzle if you’re not integrating these into your website. In order to understand its importance, let’s look at how social tools affect search engine optimization, a term we’re sure you’re familiar with and currently doing.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the art of making your site the most relevant and easily accessed it can be for your visitors and for search engines.  It is not a miracle worker that can make your website #1 in all search results on all search engines.  There is never a guarantee that you can be number one in any search result, and it can take time to see results. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

With that being said, you may be thinking “Why should I bother with SEO, if there are no guarantees?”  You should incorporate SEO into your website as it can make your site the absolute best it can be.  It is something you should be working on diligently, yet giving any changes you make the necessary time it needs to assess its progress.  The better your site is optimized, the more appealing it will be to your target audience and to search engines.

Let’s start with search engines first.  As you probably know, the #1 search engine is Google.  Google sets the trend for all other search engines and how they rank certain websites.  The basic way this works is, Google has spiders or robots that crawl your website to find your site, read your site and index its contents.  From the information the robots or spiders gather, Google determines the relevancy of your site by comparing the keyword phrases it is optimized for versus the content.  Does it flow naturally or are keyword phrases forced into the content where they do not make sense?  Combine several other factors such as links to your site from another and the age of your site and you basically have the Google algorithm in a nutshell.  Google is constantly changing its formula or algorithm as to what is important and what is not.  At Pool Marketing Site, we incorporate an organic or authentic method of SEO, so that no matter how Google changes it’s formula, our clients’ websites will still be relevant and searchable.

Since we believe in an organic and authentic SEO practice, we like to call our version of SEO, Web Presence Optimization or WPO.  We use this term because we firmly believe that SEO and Social Media Marketing should go hand in hand.  The object of getting better SEO results with Google by increasing your web presence entirely is our focus.  What better way to accomplish this than using social media as your tool?   We incorporate the important SEO aspects and partner this methodology with a strong social media presence using Facebook, YouTube, blog posts, Twitter, Flickr, Linked In, etc… as an extension of your website and your business.  Use your keyword phrases that are highly searched and competitive along with engaging content, posts, blogs, videos, pictures, etc… that all showcase your business to its full potential.  Your site users will have a better understanding of your brand and virtually be able to get their questions answered prior to the initial contact with you.

With this information in mind, please be wary of “build your own site” companies, and companies that don’t utilize this practice.  This is how it works.  This is where it’s going to continue to go.

If you want additional reading on this subject, check out this article by MediaPost.