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Headlines, January Edition

It’s a new year, and time for a fresh start! Get in touch with what’s going on right now in the marketing world, and get inspired.
- We posted a blog article about Pinterest, and how you can utilize it for the pool industry. Check out this article from Mashable that shows 13 tips and tricks for Pinterest success!
- The Mobile Revolution Is Here
- Get your email campaigns up to speed: 2012, The Year of Thinking Big
- How To Create a Viral Sweepstakes With Social Media
- Read this simple lesson to help re-frame your social media mindset: Social Media Conversation is Two Way
- Find out what social media will and will not do for your business: What Will It Do For My Business?
- New At Twitter? Read This First!
- Learn why you can’t just throw up a Facebook Page and expect results, Put on Your Specs for A Holistic View: Social Media Integration
- Upcoming Trends You Should Know
- The Power of “Like” Marketing