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New from Google: Local Service Ads

A man is typing on Google search engine from a laptop. Google is the biggest Internet search engine in the world.

Google’s local service ads (LSAs) are a form of advertising that allows local service providers, such as plumbers, locksmiths, electricians, carpet cleaners, etc., to promote their services to nearby customers.

They are paid ads that appear at the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) when people search for local services on Google. For example, if someone searches for “plumbers near me,” they’ll see local service ads from plumbers within their locality.

LSAs have several benefits for service companies which include:

1. Pay per lead, not pay per click

Any service company knows how expensive the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising option can be, especially for small businesses. However, unlike the traditional PPC advertising strategy, local service ads charge you based on the number of leads your ad generates, pay per lead  (PPL) – meaning that you only pay when a client contacts your business.

The charges range between $6-30 per lead, depending on the type of service you offer. Here is more information on how the leads work.

2. Generates more qualified leads

With LSAs, your company will appear in a prominent location on Google when potential customers search for your services. Studies have shown that consumers are more likely to click on local service ads than traditional online ads. And since LSAs are targeted to consumers in your area, you can be sure of getting more qualified leads.

3. Increases the conversion rates

LSAs also help increase your conversion rate. Because potential customers are already interested in your services, they’re more likely to contact you and do business with you when they see your Ad.

4. Available in voice search responses

Some clients don’t have the time to open a new tab when they need urgent help and often turn to voice search. Luckily, local service ads are available in voice search responses meaning your business will still appear when one uses voice search.

5. Easy to set up and manage

The beauty of LSAs is you don’t need to be an expert in online marketing to get started. All you need is to confirm your eligibility, create a business profile and provide all the required documents.

And once everything is up and running, local service ads easy to manage from your Google My Business dashboard.

So, if you’re looking for a way to get more exposure for your local service company, Google local service ads are definitely worth trying. Need help setting up or managing your Google Ads? Our team of experts can help! Contact us today to learn more.