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Twitter for Service Companies

Twitter for Service Companies

Twitter is one of those social platforms that garners a lot of discussion on its importance in the pool and spa industry. Before we get into our take, let’s discuss some of Twitter’s value, especially for service companies.

Be the expert that you are.

Twitter allows you to offer tips and to address common maintenance issues in 140 characters or less (and more, but readers have to click to expand the message and may not always do that).  When your potential customers are performing their research on which company to choose, your Twitter account can appear in the search results showing your informational and knowledgeable tweets. This can help establish your brand as the expert in your service area.

Build relationships with your customers.

Once you have solidified a customer, ask them to follow you on Twitter. By doing so, you can let your customer know that you will always be there for them.  Also by following you on Twitter, they can learn some tips on how to take care of their pool.  At first, you might think, “Well, then they won’t need me,” but that’s not the case.  They hired you for a reason, didn’t they? Instead, most customers will appreciate that you care more about them having a clean, safe pool than money. That helps create a positive brand image for your company, helps to build a strong customer relationship and can create word of mouth marketing among your customer’s network.

Allow your customers to communicate with you how they want to communicate.

Not everyone who calls your service department or company has a 911 issue, do they? Sometimes they’re calling for more information, or a basic question that they need your help with.  Make life easier on them by communicating with them where they’re already spending their time.  Make them comfortable and make yourself easily accessible.

Respond to timely issues.

Some of the best parts about social media are its metrics and social listening tools. Through programs like TweetDeck and Hootsuite, you can learn what your customers are saying about you, and respond.

Twitter allows your service company to be human.  When someone is upset, turn the situation around by resolving their issue.  As Ben Parr, from Mashable, states, “Great customer service gets talked about, and this can lead to more sales and more attention.”

Use your voice.

With the eruption of social media and social consumption, customers have a voice. That also means that YOU have a voice.  This can offer instant PR support in times of trouble.

For example, you most likely heard about the latest Alec Baldwin fiasco on board an American Airlines aircraft.  As soon as he was scolded for playing “Words with Friends” on his mobile device after the seat belt sign was on and electronics were supposed to be turned off, he got upset and was removed from the plane. He then took the Twitter to complain and low blow American Airlines’ financial situation.

What did American Airlines do? Did they send out a press release? Did they make a statement at a press conference? No! They responded on the same medium Alec Baldwin used (and Facebook), and ultimately got the last line.

American Airlines won in this instance, but that’s not always the case. We recommend any time you have negativity to respond to, you cool down and perhaps check with your marketing agency on the proper way to handle your unique situation.

Is Twitter for everyone?

To be perfectly honest, we don’t think every company on the planet should have Twitter. You should strongly consider whether you have the resources to tend to an account and if it makes sense for your company to have one.  For the pool industry, it’s a match made in heaven for service companies and builders with a service department to utilize Twitter for support.

Plus, with the introduction of Brand Pages on Twitter, you will be able to customize your customer’s experience even more!