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Does Google Swipe to Visit Prove Visual Search is Taking Over?

Searching on Google is continuing to evolve. From typing in search commands to shouting out for directions to a nearby retailer, Google is clearly now turning its focus to visual content with its new Google Swipe to Visit feature.

Google Swipe to Visit is available on mobile devices that support Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). This update makes it easier for users to search for images on a web page.

If a user sees their dream poolscape in one of your gallery photos on Google, for example, they can now swipe up to preview the link in order to view the poolscape and its description on the page instead. This means not needing to click any links, not needing to wait for a page to load, and for a user to not need to potentially tap the “back” button if the page isn’t what they wanted.

Any upward swipes still count as a page view for a publisher. If a user decides to remain on your page or click on any other links on that page, it will open in that same tab, replacing the Google Search Results.

What Google Swipe to Visit Means for Pool Companies

The Google Swipe to Visit feature cements the fact that visual search is becoming increasingly important in today’s modern world. No longer can publishers, advertisers and content creators focus only on content that will reach the top of the search engines. It’s equally important to follow image taking and sharing best practices. This includes:

  • Paying attention to image size
  • Adding alt-text to images
  • Including keyword-boosting captions

Images have a unique place when it comes to search, and it’s important that they’re done correctly for the best results. This is why Pool Marketing Site has worked tirelessly in perfecting the art of producing gorgeous and engaging images for pool and spa firms, including our Photo Alive 3D services.

To speak with a visual content creationist here at Pool Marketing Site, send us a quick email at info@smallscreenproducer.com or call us when convenient at (281) 569-4370 to schedule your personalized consultation.