How Fast Can a Bad Pool Company Review Spread?

It’s been said that a bad pool company review can spread like wildfire. A recent story published by the industry’s leading media outlet, Pool and Spa News, only further proved this as true in late June.
The story published highlighted the wrongdoings and mishaps of a select few American pool builders and sometimes the communities they worked in. Each story was published in the local news, but these three stories in particular now being posted on the front web page of the Pool and Spa News has spread the word about these pool companies’ bad reputation exponentially more.
Our hyperlink to the particular story, of course, is only going to spread this even more.
It Takes One Click to Damage An Online Reputation
The fact of the matter is that it takes only one “Share,” one “Comment” or one preview to start digging away at the good reputation your pool company has spent years building.
When you think about it, it may be less than one second for your reputation to land in the gutter.
Unfortunately, pool companies can be particularly susceptible to bad reviews given the high level of expectation of many clients and the amount of money involved.
Transparency, honesty, and communication are all key in diffusing negative interactions and even potentially flipping bad experiences over into a positive outcome. For example, if a client asks for a unique water feature that you just can’t seem to design to perfection, admit it and offer alternatives. Highlight the benefits and explain any drawbacks.
Word-of-mouth marketing is huge for pool companies. But what can be even more harmful are online comments and pool company reviews.
Anyone looking up your pool company can access online reviews, blog comments and social media posts about your pool company. Keeping track of these comments – and responding to them appropriately – is a necessity.
Pool Marketing Site offers a number of solutions that help pool companies stay on top of their pool company reputation. Our Silver Member Digital Marketing Plan already includes reputation management services, and we have separate options including reputation-boosting pool company emails you can easily take advantage of.
Whether you choose our services or not, be sure to have a process in place so you can track pool company reviews, respond to those needing responding to, and follow up with these individuals. With the right approach, a pool company can turn nearly any negative comment into a positive.