Six Facebook Contest Ideas for the Pool Industry

Facebook contests have always been great for drawing and engaging new and current users to your page, but when was the last time you promoted Facebook event or set up a contest or sweepstakes for your pool business?
The social media platform announced at the end of August that they’ve changed their page terms to make it easier for you. Now business pages (not personal pages) can set up contests on their Facebook Timeline, without a third-party application. Business can now:
- Collect entries by having users post on the page or comment/like the post
- Collect entries by having users send personal messages
- Use “likes” as a voting mechanism
Setting up a contest is pretty easy and simple. You can now begin a contest the day of by posting text or a photo and having users like or comment. With this huge opportunity to drive brand engagement, we thought we’d come up with a few good ideas specifically for pool businesses.
1. For the Pool Builder
Vote on Your Favorite. Facebook posts are now as eye-catching as ever. Post a photo gallery of finished pool projects, water features, or backyard patios and have users vote on their favorites.
Caption This. Upload a silly, “behind the scenes” company photo and have users create a caption. The best caption wins the prize.
2. For the Pool Retailer
Guess and Check. Help users learn about all your products by uploading a picture of a backyard (for example) filled with your company’s products and have users guess how many are in the photo. Don’t forget to include a link to your website or e-commerce site as a guide.
Solve the Problem. Post a picture of a pool or backyard that needs a major solution (such as a dirty pool) and ask users to share their best tips. The tip with the most “likes” or comments wins free products they can use to solve that problem, such as a set of pool chemicals.
3. For the Pool Manufacturer
Did You Know? Ask trivia questions, for example, “TRIVIA: How many fortune 500 companies do we work with? Comment below with your guess and enter for a chance to win a free $500 gift card.” Establish credibility by asking other questions about your business, history, and partners.
Product Feature Highlight. Have users guess how many gallons of water X Water Filter cleans in 1 hour or post an engaging Vine video of a product hard at work asking users to guess how long it’ll take Product X to clean the featured pool or heat up the hot tub.
Things to keep in mind when setting up a contest:
- Keep the instructions clear and easy to understand. You don’t want to lose users’ attention or interest.
- Choose a relevant prize that will be an incentive for fans and relative to your specific business. If you’re a service, consider giving a free in-person pool building consultation or free 1 hour pool maintenance service. If you’re a retailer or manufacturer, give away a few pieces from your newest product line.
- Facebook contests may be free, but they still require time. Take the time to think through what you want to accomplish from the contest and set goals.
- Be sure to ask for feedback from users as this will help you make even better contests to further engage and inspire.